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Monday, March 14, 2005

It Begins Here

Anne Schaef
I have made some bad choices, some so-so choices, and some good choices. The most important aspect of them is that they are all mine. All of them.

This is my world. On my 26th birthday, I begin anew. One more change in a succession of transformations and reinventions and this will hardly be my last. But it will be a defining one. There's no doubt about that. This is it. It starts now.

My whole life is a long list of indulgences that does not seem to end. They are happy moments and sad moments and there are long-winded stories that stem from these. And there is no denying that it is these indulgences that makes me want to write; these moments that somehow mirror some level of existence that continues to make me want to tell stories.

So I accept them. I let go of the elusive bliss. If it keeps going away, why should I continue to go after it? Instead, I will celebrate the indulgences of my life. Such as my eccentricities and the thoughts in my head. Such as the moments I find myself in and the moments that happen by accident. Such as the conversations I have and the conversations I over-hear. These are the things I indulge in.

There is nothing wrong with indulgence. There is nothing wrong with pleasure. And there are so many ways to indulge yourself.

Enjoy it. Treasure it. Embrace it. Celebrate it. Indulge.


At 7:54 PM, March 14, 2005, Blogger Ian Rosales Casocot said...

welcome to your new blogging universe. i really do hope you find what you're looking for, wang. - ian (rosales casocot)


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