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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

a hump on the road

"In the beginning was not the Word, but the Act." The Word - an abstraction - comes after.

I think about the times when I used to have all the time in the world, struggling, trying to be this "freelance writer" and working so hard sending my writing samples to all these publications hoping to get regular writing stints with all these magazines and whatever would need the services of a writer and not making enough. I spent a lot of time at home, waiting for a reply. None came except for the regular articles that Youngstar magazine wanted from me. They were my source of income but one magazine is not enough to support you no matter how many articles you wrote for them. It paid for my cell phone bill and some cigarettes. That was about it.
And all that time, while waiting for some sign of further employment, I could've written anything I wanted. Worked on a novel or something and I never did anything. I could've written so many scripts at the time.

Now, I just want to write and write and write -- short stories, essays, poems, songs, scripts, everything but find myself without the time to do it. It's funny how the world turns over its head sometimes. Everything goes upsidedown. Nobody ever really teaches you how to handle things when they go upsidedown, do they?

I guess I wasn't ready or wise enough or knew enough to write what I wanted to then. Now, it seems I have so much more responsibility that I can't just drop everything to write; even though I feel mentally and emotionally prepared to write the things I should have before.

It's just a bump in the road. Sorry, a thought that landed in my head, on with the rest of the story...


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