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Monday, November 07, 2005

a patch of sky

Fiona Apple from Never Is a Promise (written by Fiona Apple)
You'll say, Don't fear your dreams, it's easier than it seems
You'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so high
But never is a promise and you can't afford to lie

I've been out of whack again. Thoughts are flying through me at 130 kmh and it's caused by lack of sleep, this unbelievable desire to write and not having the time to write it, getting excited over going to Bacolod and having horrible, horrible digestion these past few days. What does my stomach want from me? Should I just go and get my self an enema? I've been suffering and it isn't funny anymore.

Was having problems sleeping last night. Well, truth be told, I got some sleep then I woke up and then I couldn't get back to sleep. Another sun rise that found me awake and over a cup of coffee and a cigarette, Pacific Islands music breaking the silence, I looked out at the window and saw a gloomy, cloudy day except a large patch of sky that fought for it's space and the sun shone over Ortigas and I took a picture of it. Sometimes I hate this city so much and then, sometimes, it is a gorgeous thing. Yeah, life is hard, sometimes. But sometimes, it's just a matter of when you decide to look.

Some new ideas have begun to stir in my head. I'm thinking of how to get these ideas realised. Despite everything, I'm hopeful. I'm charging up. I'm ready to explode. I'm just biding my time and planting the seeds to all that I'm hoping to harvest. It's just a matter of time, hard work and a lot of patience.


At 2:38 PM, November 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome photo. Gotham City, waking up?


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