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Saturday, April 16, 2005

strange days

Tori Amos from Talula
Say good bye to the old world

I got home at 4 in the morning and took my shower and went to bed. I had 5 hours of sleep to steal before I went off back to the office and join the first competition of the company's inter-departmental sportsfest. This is what all that training was for, after all. So sleep, I did and I made sure I walked from Starmall to my pad so as to ensure going to sleep immediately. None of that, lying in bed in the dark waiting for slumber to come.

I was awakened at 8:30 in the morning by the ringing of my telephone. I picked it up and a friend I haven't heard from in a long time was there, all bright and sunshine in his voice. Haven't heard from him in a while. I asked groggily what's up?

I'm in the area, my friend who's condo I'm staying at is out of it. He's out of it and I'm bored and it's early in the morning and nothing in the television. Want to come over and chat?

Sure, I said and I am not sure what were my real reasons for saying that. I honestly, sincerely don't know why. So I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put on some very comfortable clothing and went to my friend's friend's condo.

I got in and lo and behold! There was a celebrity lying in bed, down to his jockey shorts and peaking. He was out of it, all right, completely in another dimension. My friend would talk to him and and he would just move his face towards the direction of the voice, not really responding. Now back in my wild days, I was out of it like he was. But never that out of it. I took a lot of different kinds of shit but never to the point of, I don't even know how to begin to call what he was like. Is he okay, I asked.

Yeah, he's really like that. Low tolerance. So how are you?

We proceeded to chat on the table at the side, near the window with the blinds shut. Behind us, the celebrity was just rolling in his head, lying down completely still with a pillow on his chest. Despite how weird the situation was, having just woken up, I couldn't completely grasp the surreality I was in. If I was fully awake, I'm sure I would have been laughing every 10 minutes or so, realising what a situation I was in.

After about 20 to 30 minutes of playing catch-up, the celebrity snapped out of it and realised he had to be somewhere, so my friend and I said our good byes and went our separate ways. Nice to see you again, we both told each other as he went to his car to go home and I went back to my condo to try and catch more sleep.

So I lose one hour of rest, I've done worse than just volleyball with even less sleep than that. I'd be fine.

Except I woke up at 4 in the afternoon, the game was over and we had lost by a tiny margin. I was told it was a strong team but it was a good fight. I don't think I would have made a difference, though, seeing how I'm not even part of the first 6. I know I should've been there but I did get home at 4 in the morning. Well, I'll just keep telling myself that until I believe it.

So I texted our technicians and found out there is still no space in the computer at the office so there was no point to go to the office. I have two segments to edit and write a script for and there's no space with which to do it. So, I decide to do some exercises and then walked to the mall for some stretching. Walked around and looked at what was available. Didn't buy anything, though, because of my depleted funds. No point in wasting my money on frivolous things. I can do that again in better times.

All walked out, having gone through this already weird day, I decided I'm not going out tonight and I'll just be staying home and looking through all my books to find one I haven't read yet and I'll devour that tonight. Read again like I promised myself.

On the overpass from Megamall to Starmall, I saw the same old lady who begs by the steps of the overpass. The same old lady that I used to see begging when I was still a freshman in college almost 8 years ago. She hadn't changed. The lines of her face are the same exact lines that were there when I first saw her. It was as if it were painted there, along with the dirt and the grease. I gave her a 20 peso bill hoping it would help sustain her further, give her some level of satiation through this gruelling albeit weird summer.

Weird because, after all, didn't it rain yesterday? That was really strange. It really boggled my mind.

And here I am now, writing down this entry, wondering why these little turn of events factor in to making this day a strange one. Should I be at work? I could be but there's no point. I'd just be wasting my time. Should I be preparing to go out? I could be but there's no point. I don't have the funds to and I'm not in the proper frame of mind. I wish I was at that volleyball game.

Then my brother calls me while I'm checking my mail and he's in Boracay. The lucky bastard is in Boracay and he doesn't even like the sun. He gets burned really easily and used to suffer little heat strokes back in High School during his CAT. And he's in Boracay and Mr. Party-boi me is here in Manila and been here since the year began.

Yeah, looks like I'm staying home later and just reading a book. No point in experiencing more strangeness than I can handle.


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