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Thursday, September 01, 2005


I was going through a lot of my old poems. In December of 2001 (or was it 2002?) I wrote 13 prose poems that shocked me. It wasn't like anything I've written before and none of the poetry I was reading at that time was in the form of prose poems. So it was strange that I would just sit in front of my desk and wrote these things down. I showed them to Marj Evasco, who I studied creative writing with and she told me that I was on to something. She took particularly notice with the work that is called Imagine and said that it was the most realised of the collection (though it still needed work). I look at them again and I still don't see what she sees. But she's read so much and has written quite a lot. Our poetic inclinations, I fear, might be tugging at different places but I'm still very happy for her friendship and, more than that, her guidance.

Here is Imagine with some minor tweakings.


It is 4 hours until the New Year. I am walking down the street to get back home
from dinner with my parents. We kissed each other and gave each other big hugs. “Take
care and happy New Year” was all they whispered in my ears. Funny how “I love you”
sounds different in the same language. I borrowed Neil Stephenson’s “Cryptonomicon”
and told them I was going to read a little before I head out to party in Makati at the edge
of time.

On that street, I imagine a firecracker, thrown carelessly, will find its way to me
and tear me apart in flame. No one will know of that deed. My friend will call me and
find that no one is home to answer the phone. He will then proceed to Makati thinking
I’ve gone ahead. My cell phone, undamaged will receive his texts asking me where I am.
My parents will toast their champagne glasses and kiss each other on the lips like if it was
the first time. As they sip, they will count their blessings and good fortune. In the
morning, an old man will find the book, take it home and begin reading it. It will be the
first book he will read in the New Year.

I imagine all of this can happen, walking steadily on my way home.


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