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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

aisle seat

Meredith Brooks & Queen Latifah from Lay It Down (written by Melanie Safka; rap written by Queen Latifah)
I'd like to take the sunshine right from the sky
And let it shine on you through my eyes
You see we all in the same boat trying to float
So everybody grab a oar we can make it to shore

Been out of commission. Flu hit me so bad the other night and work was unbelievable so despite the fact I was getting sicker; had to stay until really late and went home in the pouring rain. Took a cab to keep dry and went straight to bed. Tuesday found me groggy, useless and exhausted. I slept like a log but I would wake up every 3 or 4 hours, changing my clothes because I was soaked to the skin with perspiration despite my chills. It must've been the medicines kicking in. It seems when I have the flu or a fever and I take my meds, I start to perspire no matter how cold my bones are. It must be the toxins leaving my system. I can only hope. I stayed home all day Tuesday, trying to get some rest. I pretty much stayed in bed and just slept, resting my body. This is so not me; I'm usually fighting the sickness by acting like nothing's wrong but I can't afford to get any sicker and I can't afford to let anyone at the office catch my illness. So I stayed home.

Resting, I would enter in and out of slumber. I had this very powerful, realistic dream. I dreamt that I was going on a trip to Italy. It was a great feeling. I was with a couple of my friends: Paolo and Cat, our friend Kage and 2 more people I don't remember anymore (or merely dream characters who are not really part of my reality; dreams sometimes do that, right?) and we were waiting at my house (I don't know why; but then, dreams are never logical) and we were waiting to leave for the airport. What made things even more exciting was that we weren't going to just one place in Italy, we were going everywhere. We would be there for months and we would be going to Rome, Florence, Venice, Pisa and maybe even do a stop over to the Tuscan cities. Cat and Paolo were going for some modeling projects, I was going there because I had writing jobs waiting for me there and Kage was for some higher education thingie (I wasn't clear on that). We were to arrive at Rome together and stay there for a week and then separate. We were to meet at Venice after 4 days and stay for 3 days before we separated again to meet at Pisa for 2 days. It was going to be like that for almost 3 months.

It was an exciting dream. Paolo and I couldn't understand why we couldn't leave for the airport right away. We kept talking about all the things we were going to see and the things we could do while we were there. The girls were just relaxing and some calm and collected. They were seated on my bed and talking about something they both read recently.

The dream went so far as to our boarding on the plane and I got to sit on the aisle seat, my preferred seat on the plane and looking at Kage, seated beside me who had this very knowing look. She could see how excited I was and she told me, Don't sleep; whatever you do, do not sleep.

But as usual, I did sleep because I never sleep before I go on a plane ride so that I spend most of the time asleep on the flight. I'm not that fond of flying. When I woke up, I was in my bedroom, throat dry, in the verge of a coughing fit, hair messy and drenched in sweat. I awoke back into reality. Kage warned me and I tried to stay awake but fatigue had kicked in and I never touched down in Rome. I woke up, still in Manila.

How frustrating.


At 6:36 PM, July 06, 2005, Blogger travelkage said...

oh dearheart. we would never leave you if we were going to italy! who would pick out my couture for me?


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