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Thursday, July 14, 2005


Aim (featuring Kate Rogers) from The Girl Who Fell Through the Ice (written by A. Turner & P. Vegas)
I'm sorry I made you mine...

I got tagged and was asked these questions about how I deal with stress. Rather than talk about my disappointment with regards to watching Fantastic Four last night or the strangeness of going to a club after almost 3 months in absentia; I decided to answer the question (actually questions).

What are the things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play?

Funny, but ever since I started working on all my personal issues and the shit in my life last year I've become very self-reliant and quite comfortable with myself. So, if I am in the mood to watch a movie, I'll go watch a movie. I like watching movies alone. I enter the theatre when I want to, I can stay as close to the screen as I want without anyone telling me its too close and all that blah-blah. And I'm sorry, I like watching movie trailers so I want to be in early.

I love tripping to music. I can lock myself up in my room and just listen to song after song. Leave me my cigarettes and the option to raise the volume as loud as I want to and I can spend hours just listening to music. CD after CD, song after song, hour after hour... That's fine with me. I close off the world. Just give me my music.

I suppose since this questionnaire was about stress, it would be silly of me to say something like write and write because I don't really feel like writing when I'm stressed. Sometimes it is good impetus but not always. And I can't read when I'm stressed because I am just distracted. It doesn't help. I need to wind down first.

What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety levels?

Oh, when the blood pressure is up and I'm raring to go into a rage, nothing beats dancing. Just hitting the dancefloor and going way mad crazy losing yourself to the music. When I become one with the music, the whole world just becomes clearer and I realise that things are so much more simpler out there. I tune in to the world rather than tune out. I love the feeling that nothing else matters but this moment and then I just start to lose all that anxiety and stress.

I also love to go wall-climbing or play volleyball. I suppose, basically, the true answer would be sports. If I can get physically active, it would be great. Since my distance to the wall I climb in makes it hard for me to get the nerve to go wall-climbing, I'd really love to try and get into ultimate frisbee. I'm sure I can get out a lot of anger and anxiety there. But we'll see... I'm not really at my best during competative sports. But I'm sure all that running around will help me get my feelings out in a more productive way.

But that's just me.


At 4:49 AM, July 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thanks, Wangs. For the tag response and the link! :)

I like to go to movies alone as well, it clears my head. Even here in the US I have been going to the movies alone, and I've given up trying to explain why to the folks around me.

Be well.


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