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Monday, July 25, 2005

this woman's work

Kate Bush from Burning Bridge (written by Kate Bush)
Come close to me.
Come cross the bridge.
I need to know what you have to say to me.
(We've been waiting all night long.)
What have you got to say to me?
(We've been waiting all night long.)
Tell me all about it.
(We've been waiting.)
Tell me please.
(We've been waiting.)
Oh, I know.

Kate Bush is probably one of my most favourite artists of all times -- singer and songwriter and musicians. I love almost any song I hear from her and I'm slowly building up my collection as they continue to release re-mastered versions of her old albums.

If you haven't heard of her, that's because she was probably one of the biggest solo female artist that rose from the UK pop scene in the late 70s and the 80s. She has inspired the music of Sarah McLachlan and Bjork and I read somewhere that Coldplay's latest single Speed of Sound was influenced by Kate Bush's #1 hit Running Up That Hill. She's absolutely amazing and for me to write about her is actually an invite for my silliness because I'm just going to gush and gush and gush.

Her last album was released in 1993. The Red Shoes was a hit when it was released in the UK but she never really followed up afterwards and, being quite a reclusive person, had disappeared from public eye showing up in some special event or so, maybe to be honoured for her achievements in music.

But rumours came out in 1999 that she was in the process of writing and recording a new album. This caused a frenzy among the many Kate Bush fans (including me) and we eagerly awaited what her new sound would be like, what motherhood has done for her music and what she has been cooking up since last we heard from her. Year after year, we patiently wait for the album and still, no news came. Being independently wealthy, she really doesn't need to work anymore, I suppose and can take her time with anything. In fact, she doesn't really need to release an album if she doesn't want to. And so her fans constantly wait.

I keep myself updated by checking up on the many fansites that keep track of her and her music. This is where I discovered that she was suppose to release the album this year on my birthday but it was pushed back again to later this year.

She's even in the position to not get pressured by her record company. They know less than what her fans know who constantly keep in touch with her.

I think what's amazing is this woman's effect on people. Here I am eagerly waiting for her next album and I may not even hear a single song from it, I'm going to buy it immediately. I'm in awe of her music and her lyrics and the way it moves me.

And so I'm one of the many eagerly waiting fans for her 8th studio album and I hope for its success in the charts.

What do you have to say to me? Tell me all about it. Tell me please.


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