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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

full moon

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel from The Only Living Boy In New York (written by Paul Simon)
Half of the time we're gone but we don't know where and we don't know when

Hey I got nothing to do today but smile

I was having a really, really bad day. It was like Murphy just took a dump in my backyard and there was nothing I could use to take it out except my hands. Then, I decided that since the day was already bad and I was already in trouble; there'd be no point in making things worse for myself.

There was a breakdown in communication somewhere and I have Mars to blame because, once again, it decided to go into retrograde. I promise you, if I become insanely rich, I'm going to blow Mars out of the sky. Let that be the Astrologer's problem as to how to tell a person's personality now but if that planet goes into retrograde again, after I get rich, I swear, it's gone. And, at the same time, I'm just completely and utterly overwhelmed at work and I just want to die.

But I met up with Cholo again and talking to him allowed me to laugh at the situation that I had found myself in and got some stuff off my chest. It was a lovely evening and a full moon at that, after all. So I was able to just breathe and relax and for a moment, forget that there were things that needed doing.

And then, all of a sudden, in the course of a very strange evening, I tripped. There was a shiver that ran down my spine and I just began to smile. I missed that feeling. It was so... I don't know... it was what I needed. And I was just talking about it with Cholo a few hours prior. I remember what I told him. I said, right now, it would be nice. And it was; and maybe it will be. I'm not hoping. But it was nice.

These full moon nights are really, really something, huh? I'm always wary of them because if you aren't careful, it will take you for a loop! But then again, vertigo is fun every so often. It's really all about learning to submit and then taking the opportunities as they arise. Full moon indeed!

(picture taken by Jay Abello, 2003)


At 2:04 PM, November 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I like that song. Everything But The Girl has a nice, trip-out cover of it. Have a good vacation in Bacolod, Wangs. Fond regards to your dad.


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