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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

bubble wrap

Natalie Imbruglia from Intuition (written by Natalie Imbruglia, Phil Thornalley and Dave Munday)
Should have turned left
But I turned right
And I ended up here
And I feel alright

Strange and funny how bubble wrap can make everything just so right; how bubble wrap has this consistently calming effect on one's sanity. It was great to just pop and pop that bubble wrap while lying in bed, smoking a cigarette in my free hand as my head just pounded and pounded.

Been a busy day, as I had been all over the city, practically. Been on the MRT twice, going to the farthest of stations (Taft and the other one was the second farthest at Quezon Avenue). It was for work, thankfully and it helped keep my mind off of things. Some things that have become just more and more bothersome. More information has come in, and from the strangest of places. My friend hasn't been all that forthcoming; some information has been left in the dark. You know how it is with darkness -- fungus grows there. Most sane people would have dropped the subject long ago; unfortunately, I'm not sane. I'm kinda pissed about it and really willing to start trouble -- but decided against it. Let it play out. In the end, I'm not going to be the loser, as long as I keep away from this as much as possible. There's been too much emotion spent on this whole fiasco as it is.

My problem is I hold on too tightly. I don't know how to let go. Funny, since I'm not at all a sentimental person.

Pop, pop, pop. More of the little dots on the bubble wrap go to bubble wrap heaven. Getting it out of my system.

Saw the Mall of Asia and it is huge and rather impressive. Well, scratch that... I meant to say that the part of Mall of Asia that I did see was impressive. I didn't walk around like I would've wanted to. I just saw a bit of one wing. It was pretty big. Must be a place for further exploration on my part.

Traffic is getting bad. First time to try and get on the MRT from Taft station during rush hour. It was unbelievably bad; all that pushing and shoving. There was a line made to separate the people who were going up the MRT and the people going down the MRT and there were still some assholes who insisted going counter-flow! Going counter-flow! It was such a piss off.

Pop, pop, pop. More of those little dots going to bubble wrap heaven.

Oh yeah, my phone got redirected since I forgot to pay my bills. People texting me and me, poor little poor ol' me, unable to text back. The frustration of it all. I forgot to pay the bill! My bad! And now, while I have no cash because my former clients -- Coke, hasn't paid us yet. Yeah, I wrote an AVP for Coke last March and they probably used it already and their sales conference is already over but they still haven't paid us yet. But one cannot complain, since, apparently that's industry practice. If you won't adhere to that, then they'll just drop you, there'll be some other guy willing to wait for kingdom come for them to pay up. Hey! After all, they're a multi-national, regional company that makes millions of pesos/dollars a day. God knows it's going to really affect their whole accounting system to pay up for services that were rendered.

It makes me wonder about poor models too, you know? The commercial or print ad gets aired, the material is being used and the model can't get any job that is from a rival company or product and yet they can get away with not paying the model for 5 or 6 months. How does one get away with that?

Pop, pop, POP! Bubble wrap is almost gone. So many things one has to deal with in this life. I'm surprised there are still sane people in this world.


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