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Monday, May 30, 2005


Anais Nin
We write to taste life twice.

After such a horrible illness; the double whammy that was the coming of a fever and indigestion, leaving me feeling rather weak and useless; I was able to somehow fix my broken body clock on Sunday and decided to take it easy. I had plans of going back to work to catch up on things but went against it. Instead, I listened to some music, rested my body, got some nutrition back into my system, took a vitamin or two and when I discovered my friends were going to watch a movie nearby my brother's place (where I was recuperating), I decided to follow. I knew it wasn't going to take too much of a toll out of my system.

We ended up watching three movies, one after the other and ate. We watched the local film La Visa Loca which was a delight followed by the no-brainer, pure entertainment that was House of Wax and then the animated comedy Madagascar, which brought a smile on my face but didn't move me like an animated film by Pixar would.

The day was spent away from the usual stress of life in an insane effort to keep myself sane and healthy. Like I had been talking to a lot of people, no matter how much work I accomplish within this year and no matter how good my resume may appear at the end of this rollercoaster, there is no excuse for voluntarily destroying your health. As the addage goes, I don't want to be old before I get old.

I have to watch myself sometimes. I have this natural tendency to talk in absolutes, as if I've been through a whole lot and I know the ways of the world. I may have gone through more than most people my age and I have listened to stories and read a lot to be able to speak with a certain level of experience, but I'm not as wise as I would like to think I am. After all, would a wise person subject himself to the torture I subjected myself to?

Everything in time will bloom nurtured by nature's grace and ways. Do not fight it nor try to rush it. Everything will find it's place in time. And all it's potentials will be realised. I suppose, I can argue that it is my natural way to always push and try to reach my destination earlier than is expected; but I now plan to use a little more of my mind as well as my heart in this journey. I do not want to sleep for 24 hours again in my life because of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. That is a whole day that was wasted, in bed, regaining my strength.

Slow and steady wins the race. Learn from the tortoise.


At 12:22 PM, May 31, 2005, Blogger EGO SVM CAROLVS said...

I came out of the theater laughing from House of Wax. So much buried humor in horror flicks.

At 3:31 PM, May 31, 2005, Blogger Zane Ronquillo said...

that house of wax movie is entertaining, man =D it's good to scream and laugh at the same time with people you don't know =D


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