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Friday, July 29, 2005

just an update

Oscar Wilde
Illusion is the first of all pleasures.

I'm tired. Had a very long shoot at the University Belt. Went around Far Eastern University, University of the East and PSBA (I don't remember what that stands for, I know it has something to do with Accounting) and though it was fun, I'm really tired. I only had 40 minutes of sleep and the whole day I was running on adrenalin. Now that the shoot is over and my body knows that there is nothing to do for the rest of the day, I've begun to slow down. My body is demanding rest and sleep and I'm willing to give in. I don't want to get sick again.

After 4 gruelling days of working hard on my segment for Wednesday; I had my own little victory. The segment came out well and I have the whole team to thank for it. Everyone's suggestions and support and encouragement has helped me improve as a segment producer and the segment came out fun. It was a pretty good segment considering all the factors and I can be happy that I am slowly earning my keep again.

Yesterday, after a stressful start of the week, Berna and I went to Embassy and dance away all the pent-up anxiety that has been building. Though I perspired a little and danced; I didn't let lose as much as I wanted to. The music never built up to a level where I could explode. There was an event at Embassy that was geared towards a Studio 54 theme and that kept the music a little light; a little steady. It was nothing I could explode to. That kinda sucked. There was a small little moment where I really enjoyed and the music got me pumped but it didn't last long. I was satiated (or is sated?)

So, right now, I'll just get a little shut eye to put my body to rest and I'll get back to living again over the weekend. I hope you guys had a very productive week.


At 1:43 PM, July 30, 2005, Blogger Paolo said...

Heya Wangs. Sorry I fell asleep on you guys again. Aaargh... too much alcohol is really bad for me. But Yup, had fun, no complaints. I enjoyed the company a lot. Staying in house and spending quality time with you guys on a weekend night sure beats any Embassy or Government there is. (Wag lang ako matatabi sa GSM blue or else I'm a gonner) :)


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