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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

i hate getting sick

Steve Weinberg
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things that takes religion.

Disclaimer: this entry is really gross and disgusting

Went to Rockwell to visit Tals while submitting my entry to the Neil Gaiman fiction writing contest and I was feeling awful and queasy already. I met Tals' friend Nikki and we had a cigarette and then parted ways -- Tals had to go back to work and so did Nikki and I had to go to a meeting. I still had an hour and a half and good thing because my stomach was turning revolutions. I ran to the bathroom and had to relieve myself and it was the most disgusting thing in the world. I was stuck in that bathroom for longer than an hour! When I couldn't crap anymore, I stood up and got some antacid in Mercury drug and took it and then I began to feel really faint. With a lot of time left, I went to my brother in Makati where he was holding office and decided to rest. I was writhing in pain, my stomach feeling like it was ready to burst. I just wanted to die. I really felt so bad that I wanted to die, I just wanted the pain to die.

I ended up puking into a plastic bag. My body had already felt queasy all day, so I didn't eat lunch or breakfast and so all I was puking out was water and bile. It was really gross. I started to feel a little better when I got another attack. I was going to be late for my meeting so I started walking towards the office when I couldn't walk anymore. So I got on a cab and told him to bring me to the emergency room of Makati Med. I was there, writhing in pain when the doctor checked up on me and had them put an IV.

The IV had always looked uncomfortable but it was going to be my first time with an IV and it was so uncomfortable, I didn't realise. My God! I'm the kind of person who needs to move around a lot and not being able to move your right arm was very annoying. Later on, the pain wouldn't subside so the doctor had to put a pain-killer in my IV. It was called Tromadon and boy did it feel good! Slowly, my whole body started getting numb and there was this fuzzy feeling in my head; it felt so good! Ha Ha Ha I've been clean for so long, that the entry of that kind of drug was just unbelievable since I was so unprepared for it. It's been quite a long time for me to have that kind of feeling again. I went straight to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

The Doctor told me I had a severe case of diarrhea which caused the puking and the weakness which was a result of dehydration. I am also suffering from gastroenteritis (sp?) and it was probably caused by the oysters I had the night before. I asked if I could be discharged and he asked me if I felt that I could manage. I told him I could. I wanted to be home. So he gave me my prescriptions and a print out of his diagnosis and instructions. On it were a list of stuff I could ingest and what I couldn't ingest. No fatty food, no oily food, no sugar and no dairy -- which practically constitutes everything we eat here in the house. I am suppose to drink just water and eat crackers (for the salt) and apples or bananas (for the potasium). So that means I'm going to lose so much weight again because of that.

You know what the weird thing is? I pretty much haven't eaten anything except 1 apple and a couple of crackes since last night and I'm not hungry. It's so weird. I have to take these medicines and put hydrite tablets into my water everytime I defecate and if the stool is watery. I was hoping for some pain-killers but he didn't prescribe me any. I'm suppose to get a lot of rest because dehydration can do monstrous things to your body and my case was pretty bad. The puking was a really bad sign of that and it's really dangerous because you can't really afford to lose any more liquid in your body.

I have to stop smoking for a bit because smoking makes me digest faster and puts gas in my stomach and I can't really afford to feel queasy anymore. I just can't and then there's the medication which costs, by the way. And the fact that I can't eat much and there's this fantastic moist chocolate cake in the fridge which I can't attack. It's from Cakes to Go and they make really good cakes. And I just bought all these groceries -- eggs, yakult, bread, cheeses and stuff for the house the day before I got my attack. Everyone in the house was like, "Oh wow! Okay, thanks! No worries, we'll finish it!"

I really hate getting sick.


At 2:07 AM, March 01, 2006, Blogger ninjato said...

dude, you are way stronger than I was when that happened to me...I can relate to the feeling all too well, the feeling of wanting to rip your stomach out and the continual outpouring of liquid from almost every available orifice in your body...okay too disgusting, hehehe unfortunately yep weight loss and lack of eating tasty solids is the effects of that, but at least you were able to check out the same day, I had to stay for a couple of days in the hospital when I had it...


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