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Sunday, February 19, 2006

you're suppose to enjoy the weekends

from The American President (written by Aaron Sorkin)
Oh, you only fight the fights you can win? You fight the fights that need fighting!

It really couldn't have been better. Bought flowers in the afternoon while doing some errands to put in the house. I think flowers help put some colour and magick into a room and it's nice to see it everyday. Of course, I made a mistake while cutting the stems to fit the beautiful antique vase that I have and one of the mums is almost at the mouth edge and it looks rather funny while the other mums stand high up and much more the Malaysian mums that hang above it. Worse off, they didn't have any more Baby's Breath so it's sort of lacking some volume and I was suppose to take a picture but I decided I'll save that for the next set when I get it right.

I then went to Makati to my cousin's place where we were having a Southern American themed dinner -- really good potatoes with a sort of cream mustard, barbequed pork, beef and fried chicken. We had this salad with ranch dressing, biscuits and corn on the cob. It was so delicious. I had begun drinking rum cokes while we talked and caught up since the last we saw of each other was back in December and that's way too long for family. There's nothing more important than family, for me, these days.

(Taken during Aio's wedding in November 2005; that's family and loved ones -- Yciar, Pia, Eric, Aio, Paolo, Jubal, Inigo, Karla and myself. The alcohol was flowing, the laughter easy, the mood filled with much love and happiness.)

We left at around 10, signs of our old age and while I was still reeling from the alcohol, continued on to another part of Makati to my friend Djong's birthday where I had more alcohol, seeing old friends and found myself fire dancing again. Completely and utterly drunk, I was surprised that it didn't take much to get me to go in the middle amongst old friends I haven't seen in a long time and people I didn't know and just begin spinning the damned thing. I feel bad because I wasn't properly dressed for the thing but I did okay.

It's something to go to a place where you know you don't know that many people and the other people you know, you have very fond relations with but the truth of the matter is, you're not that close. Djong's friends are from The LaSallian, the English newspaper of DLSU but though I know Pats, Pi and Zane quite well and I've worked with Paolo Ferrer in NMI; the rest I knew, but we were never really close. But they are all great and friendly people and I got to re-acquaint myelf with Ben and met Ayeen and we talked about a very interesting project and I can't wait to throw myself into it. It's something I believe in.

Afterwards, I picked up Jaypee, Maik, Anne, Charles and a common friend of theirs whom I just met Nathan and we went dancing. It was wonderful! I haven't danced in such a long time and, simply said, had more drinks. I was drinking from 6pm to 6am. I've never drunk so much in the city in, like, ever. It was amazing, dancing and it was wonderful.

(picture taken in March of 2005 during my birthday celebration with Maik, Berna, Anne and I playing around with Charles. I think the picture was taken by Gerard. This was in Greenbelt, I think it was in Italianni's.)

Oh yeah, I did something I've only done once in my life and though I almost got what I wanted, it led to disastrous results. Unfortunately, the person I had laid my eyes on did not come alone and while it would have been okay for both parties to take me home and as sexually liberated as I consider myself to be; I don't join couples in their wild exploits. That is just too weird, even for me. Well, not really but right now, it isn't what I'm looking for. And I was drunk enough as it is. There was no point in making it worse for myself. Thank God that no matter how bleeding drunk I am, I still have my wits about me. I don't lose myself completely. I have the self-control to know that if I get royally fucked up, drunk or otherwise and that I find myself at the point where I can't control myself, I go home where no damage can be done. Thank God for that sort of control. I have yet to do anything that I can't laugh about in the throes of not being sober.

But nevertheless, I had great fun and I'm very, very happy about my Saturday. Yes, very very happy.


At 6:24 PM, February 20, 2006, Blogger i gotta go! said...

hey wanggo! thanks so much for spinning last saturday! :) a lot of my friends were so amazed and impressed, especially when they saw you do chainsaw. hehehe. :)

and that drink that looked like iced tea was pao et al's concoction. :) sarap, no?


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