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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

now back to your regular programming

Cate Blanchett from her quotes section in IMDB
If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously!

I've been quite politickal as of late. Talking about things that I probably don't understand because I'm not that well informed about it. It's so difficult, sometimes, to all of a sudden watch the news or watch a political movie and then suddenly be moved by what you watch. It's so easy to mouth off and say the first thing that comes into your mind. Truth be told, I don't keep myself updated with the news too often so I'm probably misinformed or I don't have all the information -- I'd most probably be saying things, mouthing off opinions without all the data. I'd probably be making uninformed judgements and that's always dangerous. My bad, my fault. I'm sorry. I easily get riled up. It's not me to be politickal anyway. I'm better suited to deal with things about art or myself, I guess.

So I'll move on to happier things. I was in a friend's house the other night and this person loves music as much as I do. His collection of dance CDs was amazing and we just hung out, talked and listened to all these electronic dance music that really forced me to stand up and dance. This is really good stuff; great mixes. I was really happy just letting the beats and the effects enter my body and let it do it stuff. I sorta miss dancing again but there's no club that I've been really happy with. I really miss 78 Orange. That was the perfect club for me.

I also had the best footlong sandwich I've ever tasted in Metro Manila. I get it from this tiny side-street snack bar/carinderia in Evangelista. I used to go there a lot when I still drived and brought home a friend who lives in the area. Before bringing him home or right after picking him up, we'd get a footlong from the place and enjoy it. It's really, extremely good. I found myself in Evangelista again after such a long time and knew I had to order it again.

Little simple joys to put a smile on my face. Especially now that this day is turning into some horror movie that was totally unexpected. So now, I'm taking a little breather before I go back to trying to fix this day and saving it from total desolation.

I have to remember to keep this smile on my face.


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