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Thursday, February 02, 2006


Fernando Trueba from his Academy Award acceptance speech
If I believe in God, I'd thank him for everything; my problem is that I only believe in Billy Wilder.

I'm generally in a good mood and happy. But I really want to complain about Metrobank's supposed ATM's and their supposed "convenience banking" blah-blahs. The Metrobank ATM at Glorietta is unreliable. 50% of the time, the ATM is "unable to dispense cash." Which means I always end up using the Chinabank ATM instead. Then the Valencia Hills branch and the Metrobank near Broadway has the sign for an ATM and when I went there, there was none! What's the freaking point?!?! That's supposed to be convenient? I don't think so! I'm seriously thinking of switching banks because of that's their idea of convenient; then I'd hate to feel inconvenienced by a bank!

Sony BMG Records have yet to release Fiona Apple's Extraordinary Machine here in the Philippines. Neither has Capitol Records released Liz Phair's recent album as well. My friend downloaded Charlotte Martin's album On Your Shore and I am really loving it and it isn't available here yet either. This is really pissing me off. I understand we are a third world country and sending CDs over here is a risky business but damn it! We've got taste too, you know? 100 CDs ain't going to kill anyone and at least I'll be bound to get one of those 100. Argh!

(On a side-note, I'm really, truly digging Charlotte Martin's On Your Shore. Loving it completely. I was listening to the whole album the whole day yesterday and listening to it now. Certain songs made me think of Kate Bush and Tori Amos and when I checked her biography in the Billboard website, it said that she is a huge fan of Kate Bush. Her work resonates with Kate Bush but she's not a copy-cat at all. I really love this CD. If I only had an original copy!)

I need to get a new phone, damn it! Mine is fucking up way too often now and the charger broke again and that's going to be really, very problematic for me. I'm going to need a new phone and though I really like Sony Ericsson, they're not very sturdy and I'm the type who drops his phone pretty often. I need something heavy duty. I'm thinking of going back to Nokia because majority of people have it so I don't have to keep bringing a charger everywhere I go. And I don't know, but Nokia phones seem to be sturdier. Well, seems being the operative word. It's just that these blasted phones are so freaking expensive.

But don't get me wrong, I'm really in a good mood and happy right now. I just find these things little kinks in the system that really tries to sour everything. I just needed to get it off my chest, that's all.


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