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Friday, June 09, 2006

some thoughts before leaving for the beach!

as texted to me by my Dad
For all the fine talk about Christian charity and the evils of wealth, there's always the idea behind it that anyone who's poor has done something to deserve it.

I'm off to Samar in a bit. Going to hang out at Jay's place for a bit and then meet up with the gang as they watch the World Cup in some bar. Not really my thing, the World Cup but hell, I'm game to just soak in the energy before we leave.

Been a busy day, really, coming from a press conference and then a concept meeting for a television show I'll be writing for. I like the way it's going: I like the show, the concept, the host and how I've positioned myself in the team. It's going to be a while before it starts to pay up but when it does, it will be a big turn around for me.

It's all about weathering the ups and downs of life, you know? I guess some people have more ups than downs and vice-versa. It's just cause I can't seem to focus or really find that right path to where it is I want to go. But then again, who does know the right path one has to take to make it towards their dreams. And even if you do know the right path, there will always be things that will lead you astray to take a different one.

It's only if you know how to enjoy getting lost and finding your way back again that you can truly enjoy this life. But then, that's the bohemian in me talking.

I just can't wait to feel the sand on my feet and spinning fire with the rest of the Planetzips crew again. We had a gig yesterday and I still haven't had enough. I just love their vibe and energy.

Next week, I got a date with Berna and Bel and some friends from NMI and that's bound to be fun. We're going to watch a play. Fun! Fun! Fun! And then I've got a date with The Spa and finally make use of that gift certificate. More writing in the future already planned and a whole life ahead of me.

I may not be at my best, financially, but I'm certainly at my best experiencially... I wouldn't trade it for the world.


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