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Monday, March 28, 2005

Disclaimers 3.28.05

Kosheen from Crawling (written by Sian Evans, Darren Beale & Markee Morrison)
I'm bigger now / Despite of you / And when it all turns round / It'll all come back on you / Make no mistake / I learn my lesson now / The risk you take / Can break us down / Until we're crawling

Holy Week vacation is over and I have nothing to show for it other than extended knowledge of South Park and the fact that I've finally seen Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. I've also seen an episode of Lost and I must say I'm pretty much hooked. Looks like I will be spending time at my brother's house to get to watch it.

What I've done a lot of this Holy Week vacation was think about a lot of stuff. Ended up with another set of disclaimers. You can find my first set of disclaimers here. They aren't as profound as the first set I wrote; but they will help me get by. Maybe they might end up helping others...

Anger and bitterness is never ending. It goes on and on. It won't stop unless you stop it. It takes conscious effort.

Everything is simple. People make things complicated. So it is possible to simplify your life.

Never allow yourself to stay the same. No one lives on stagnant waters. We keep growing; we keep moving on. And no one should take that against you.

Communication is a two-way street. It is not one person's responsibility to make first contact. Both should be willing to communicate. If only one does then it isn't really mutual, is it?

At some point in our lives, we must all earn our place in the world. We cannot continue to live off other's generosity. At one point, we have to prove our worth and justify our existence.

In truth, there are no real explanations to why things happen. They just do. We have to learn to accept.

If we learn to accept things and move on, we are free from bitterness and pain. If we learn to not dwell on things, not over-analyzing situations, we then free ourselves from hurt. We move on quicker.

If you hate someone, it means that they are still important to you because they affect you so. There is a very thing line between love and hate. The opposite of love, really, is indifference and apathy. It is a worse punishment than hatred.

Until you've battled your demons and won, they will always come back to haunt you. Sometimes, they return at the most inopportune times. Settle it quickly, if possible, so as not to impede on your continuing growth.

Demons that keep returning have a tendency to stop you in your path. There is always a tendency to stagnate when they return.

These are merely things I've discovered along the way. I've written about this before. At that time, the first disclaimers I wrote were hopeful and pleasant. I was coming from a good place. Right now I feel jaded. I'll be adding more here as time moves on and I learn more. This is the true disclaimer...


At 7:57 PM, March 28, 2005, Blogger Jennie said...

"Everything is simple. People make things complicated. So it is possible to simplify your life."

That's because people are born stupid... and it takes them a lifetime to figure things out! hehehe

At 10:40 PM, March 28, 2005, Blogger ennui said...

I hope things get better Wangs Ü

At 11:18 AM, March 29, 2005, Blogger EGO SVM CAROLVS said...

Very well said. If anything, I see these disclaimers as coming from a realist's point of view.


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