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Monday, April 25, 2005

the quiet weekend

Wendy Matthews from The Quiet Art (by Mark O' Connor & Wendy Matthews)
You're not of this world, where everything is bought and sold
I have tried but thankfully I'm flesh and soul
You're just standing quiet -- another lost and forgotten art

I was expecting an extremely hectic weekend. I got myself some work for the weekend that might be able to save me from my financial troubles and, in one fell swoop, it all disappeared. Well, it didn't disappear but more like was left hanging in the air. I was told to wait for budget approvals and the like. All of a sudden, time opened up for me and I was just left in some state of confused bewilderment over what to do with the rest of the day.

There was a volleyball match in the morning which I was late for. I had arrived just as the first set was ending and so I wasn't allowed to play. I woke up late having gone home at 3:30 in the morning after a shoot. So I stayed to cheer my team on. We had lost, though. I don't know if my participation would have helped the team, I'm not really the best player during an actual game, I do okay during practice. When there's nothing on the line, I can be a pretty okay player but when the game is on, I tend to lose it. Performance anxiety, I guess...

After the game, I stayed with my team and we watched the other teams play to get our bearings on our future games. Then we ate lunch and just hung out really. Afterwards, I followed at my friend's place and we just hung out as well. It was such a lazy day that we ended up sleeping early. I guess the atmosphere and mood and the addition of the amount of work we did during the week caused us to fall into a deep slumber. The three of us friends just slept for over 10 hours. I woke up in the morning and decided to go home and do somethings ordinary and normal.

It was just a joy to have been able to sleep early and wake up while the morning had just begun. It had been a while since the last time I woke up in the morning with enough sleep; not grumpy or rushing to something that I was late for. I walked home and I began cleaning up my pad. I went swimming and did as many laps as I could. I then hung out by the pool to try to soak in some sun and read a book. Found James Agee A Death in the Family a little difficult to get myself into on such a lazy Sunday morning that I just put it down and indulged myself in some enjoyable day-dreaming.

Then I went back up to my pad, did some more exercises, cooked myself lunch and then tidied up a bit more. Afterwards, I went to my bestfriend's place to watch a whole bunch of movies. We watched Heaven, Garden State, Krzysztof Kieslowski's Blue, then I got a horrible stomach ache from eating too much chips and drinking too much softdrinks. I haven't drunk that much softdrinks in ages (I quit drinking soda after my High School graduation) and I guess I just had a little too much. I missed out on Before Sunrise which is okay and I slept a bit and separated myself from the rest while I tried to relieve myself of the gas. Afterwards, we watched Lino Brocka's Insiang and then Being Julia. We would've continued on with Vera Drake except the copy was bad and it kept pausing for a second every 5 seconds and that was kind of killing the movie's pacing which was already kind of slow. So we decided to call it a night, I went home and got some sleep.

It was way past 12 but I still managed to wake up at 10 in the morning and after my exercises, I cooked myself breakfast and prepared some sandwiches for lunch here at the office while my finances are down and off I went to work and here I am now.

It was definitely a quiet weekend spent with people I like. I did things I liked to do and/or needed to do and it was definitely relaxing and enjoyable. I'm a little re-charged. Of course, it would have been great if I had work and I was able to make a little extra cash but this way, I'm more willing to go through the day-to-day of the week which usually gets to me by Wednesday. I told a friend just a couple of minutes ago that not doing anything is wonderful if you are usually swamped with work. If you can just do nothing for one day, you can handle the rigors of the tough week ahead.

It's all about balance, really.


At 5:31 PM, April 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh. so you wrote for press. i had someone check and you have some uncollected fees pa raw.. better check up with them sayang din yun.


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