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Monday, September 12, 2005


J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, the Church of the Subgenius
I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to.

Another great weekend. I seem to be collecting these, as of late, huh? Friday found me with my friends playing poker again and this time, I was winning. I made a killing last Friday and knowing how my luck runs, this whole week, I'll be losing and losing money like a blonde 16-year old with a new credit card. Ha Ha Ha Generalising! Sorry...

Anyhow, I was desperately trying to find someone to connect with last Friday. I didn't want to go out with my friends because I see them all the time. I tried making a date with some really old friends whom I haven't seen in a long while but they were all busy. My bad; of course they would have plans. Not everyone can handle the spontaneous schedule I have and my sudden urge to just go out and ask someone if they are free at that very moment. My bad. Then the poker group said we could have a game and blam! I was drinking again and winning every other game. Felt great, really. Felt really good.

Saturday found me waking up really, really late and then heading to Greenbelt to meet up with my old friends from college -- my co-Literature majors. I saw Morx, Carol and Kimi and had a fabulous time with them. We ate the usual fantastic meals from Uva and then drank a little and just talked until 2am. I realised that other than Morx and Mel, my other friends from Literature I have very fond memories of but I don't really know them. We enjoyed many classes together and talked a bit but we never really hung out; I only got to do that with Morx and Mel and briefly with Pia, Pee Wee and Ma Chere. Michap is a special case because we ended up working together and we were the same batch. Everyone else was a batch younger. We just ended up taking classes together because my batch was too small so we moved our classes a bit so we can join them. It was great to just hang around and talk and catch up with our lives. It was a wonderful thing to do and I'm so glad I spent it that way.

Sunday found me going wall-climbing again and pushing my body to the limit again after such a long time and right after, zips classes. I finally got to do a weave and the backward butterfly. It's so cool. I just love it. All of a sudden, it doesn't seem so far off to be thinking about fire dancing in the future. I enjoyed it so much.

That evening, my cousin from Bacolod, Aio was in town and the cousins decided to meet up. Aio will be getting married soon and I think they were in town to finish up some stuff. It was just so cool to hang out with my cousins. I don't usually get to hang out with Yciar as much anymore and I really enjoy Inigo and Karla's company. Altogether, the family was at our usual best -- funny and remembering the good times as much as looking forward.

I like the idea of not working on the weekends; as if I really had a choice before but now, at least, I'm enjoying life fully and really connecting to many people again. I think that was the problem I was having for a while. I enjoy the company I keep but I was beginning to find my world too small and so I reach out to as many people as I can; even if they don't really mean anything to me. Now, I search out people that truly matter -- old friends and family and find that connection I'm looking for.

So yeah, I really had a great fun weekend. Hope you had one too.


At 10:58 PM, September 12, 2005, Blogger Empress Kaiserin said...

i had a good one too. i hope we could hang out again some time with tobie et. al. keep posting. :)


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