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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

first random musings at 27

Arthur C Coxe
Flowers are words even a baby can understand.

These days have proven to be quite interesting. I'm still enjoying the waves of blissfulness from my trip to Bacolod and having seen my family. My birthday was filled with love and it was rather low-key. Datu cooked a kick-ass spaghetti and Datu and Kristi bought a cake for me. It was pretty low key but lovely and very personal and intimate.

Right now, I'm dirt poor. While I'm busy with a lot of work, none of them pays early. It's the problem with the industry, really. Especially for a writer, who works and submits their stuff before any part of the production starts and then, we wait for the production to begin, and then once the final output is given to client, it takes another month or 2 before they decide to pay. Can you imagine the producer and the writer who were working on the project before productions actually begins and they get paid 2 to 3 months after? It's so not fair. They already got what they wanted, they're already using the materials and yet it's still acceptable for them to take their time paying for the work. It's so not fair. But that's how the industry works and until I'm in a position to make things change -- I play by the rules.

Funny, I'm 27 now. Older by a year but everytime I get older ever since I hit 24, there seems to be a growing need to let go of the things that didn't work. It's becoming a more conscious effort -- like if I'm making a more conscious effort to be more mature. I think that's a good thing. I embrace it.


At 6:00 PM, March 15, 2006, Blogger Jennie said...

Happy birthday sweetie! Many happy returns!

At 8:29 PM, March 16, 2006, Blogger Jayce Cortez Jacinto said...

Hey! Happy, happy birthday! :c)
Why does it read: Tobler, if I may ask?


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