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Thursday, March 16, 2006

summer is coming

Kris Kristofferson
Freedom is just another word for "nothing left to lose."

Went out today which was nice. I got to go out and feel the hot sun on my face, back and toes (I was wearing slippers). I went to the bank to deposit my Dad's check into the bank and then I encashed mine because I really need the money. I'm so bleeding-assed poor! And then, in my wonderings, I found a dump of a barber shop/salon that would do my corn-rows for one-third the price I had it done in the salon I went to. The place was literally a dump, the girl complained to me that she was getting weak from braiding my hair and they didn't have a chair that would make it comfortable for either of us but hey! For what I was paying, I didn't care. And what made it more sweet was that she did it well -- small and tight. Of course, my brother said the other one was better because it's more obvious but I like the smaller one -- it's neater and tighter so it feels more secure. I like it and it was cheaper, waaay much more cheaper than normal.

It's getting hotter, as the days progress moving ever closer to summer. I'm happy for that. I prefer the heat than to the cold. Less clothing, perspiring rather than shivering and more impetus to go to the beach. I miss the beach very, very muchly.

Writing projects coming slowly and no good CD to get at all at Tower Records. Notice that no matter how dirt poor I am, I'm still willing to starve and get a new CD. My sense of priorities is all fucked up! Ha Ha Ha


At 1:53 PM, March 18, 2006, Blogger ninjato said...

not sure if this is a good or bad thing but if you're into natalie merchant, there's a new double disc best of & b-sides cd by natalie merchant that's out, saw it in fully booked rockwell, pretty good actually...

At 2:06 PM, March 19, 2006, Blogger wanggo said...

I like a lot of her stuff from back in 10,000 Maniacs and she's got a great voice and all and Tiger Lily was an amazing album but she just kinda disappeared for me. "Kind and Generous" from Ophelia was pretty good but never got me to actually get up and buy the album, you know?

But hey, if I can just get 1 CD that showcases her best work, I'll probably get it. :)

Thanks for the tip, man! :)


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