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Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Tennessee Williams
Life is a fairly well-written play, except for the third act.

I hate this! I've been out of the loop because our computer is fucking busted! It can't read the God-damned modem, which is there but since it is so old, it just doesn't work. I've been out of touch with everything and everybody and I haven't been able to update my blog and I lost out on some good gigs because of it.

I now have to pay to do my work. And I can't save my work because I use internet cafe computers. I have to send the file to my e-mail and use my e-mail as a storage space that way, no matter where I am, I can access those files.


The rains have made it impossible to get to my meetings dry and presentable and I really, really can't stand having to trudge through the puddles and putting my jacket over my head just to stay dry.

I'm just so pissed off... And you know what? I've been pretty serene and happy and calm lately. It's just that everything just piled up today when I realised all these shitty things happening, all at the same time...

I'll just go to a meeting now that the rain has abated and I'll be back with a much happier post.

Right now, I just want to grab a dove in mid-flight, force him on the ground and shit on his head for once!


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