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Monday, July 17, 2006

Stepping Out of the Page Into the Sensual World

Kate Bush from Kate Bush, The Biography (written by Rob Jovanovic)
I really don't think it's possible to make things perfect, really. In some ways, there's almost an attempt to try to achieve something that is quite imperfect. Do you know what I mean? And to be able to find a way of leaving it with certain raw edges so that the heart doesn't go out of it. I don't think of myself as a perfectionist at all.

Bought the hard bound copy of the book Kate Bush, The Biography the moment I saw at Power Books. I was looking for Tori Amos' biography but couldn't find it. I saw a picture of Kate Bush and I immediately bought it, no matter how much it cost.

I finished reading the book on that day. I was amazed at her world. Can't say much about the writer, though. He definitely is a fan of her work but I was a little miffed about his comments for most of the songs on The Red Shoes and Sensual World. Often times he would remark them as not working or failed at the musical intention when I felt that they were good songs. They might not have been her best work but they didn't fail. I don't think so. But whatever the case, he did an amazing job piecing together her life through interviews with frequent collaborators and from the little pieces of publicity she did. Kate Bush keeps her private life to herself and hardly conducts interviews at all. So this little bit of information was a welcome change.

I was so happy to read it I finished it on that day. I was so starved on information on Kate Bush and for reading something as well.

Today, I got Tori Amos' biography. I can't wait to start reading this one. This one has Tori Amos more hands on and that excites me. I want to investigate her own personal mythology and how she came up with some of those songs.

Between Kate Bush's biography and then Tori Amos and Rockstar Supernova, I'm going to really hit a peak in my frustrations for being a singer. Music is really an important factor in my life. I love the sensual quality to music and how it can caress you even if its just sound. The mixture of tones and the timbre of certain instruments, sometimes mixed with the words, can be so alluring, comforting or it can drive you mad and wild. I just love how my body responds to it. Yeah, music is unbelievably affecting for me.

I hope I won't be disappointed by this week's Rockstar Supernova. I saw how Jenny Galt was at the bottom 4 last week and that pissed me off. She is so good, she has no right being at the bottom 4. I loved her version of Soft Cell's Tainted Love. It was so dynamic and new and fresh and really complemented her voice. I hope she stays long enough to get a good record deal and an International release. I think she'll make a great record out.

Internet has been really bad at home. Our computer is falling apart. The modem, though properly installed, can't be detected by our CPU. Some days it can, some days it won't. The past few days it didn't and I got stuck to using internet cafes and the bill is just getting way out of hand! I'm getting really annoyed by this. It sucks. I hate this.

Otherwise, life has been better. Really lovin' Pink's I'm Not Dead album and I'm paying for things again so I can go out and have fun. Life has been cool. Paying off my debts one by one. Soon, I'll be back on my feet. With the new Tori Amos book, I'm going to enjoy this week, I think.

Title was taken from the words of Kate Bush's song The Sensual World


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