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Friday, July 21, 2006

little spaces of comfort

from Grey's Anatomy
We believe in superstitions because we're smart enough to know we don't know everything.

I had a very stressful last 2 days. It's not even funny. Work started all arriving at the same time, work I already committed to, so I couldn't get out of any of them. I accept these jobs and try to schedule them in a way that they don't overlap, or that it can be done but somehow, something always happens to manage to screw up my schedule. A client submitted their information late so I couldn't start on the script on time and the whole time table was adjusted drastically, eating up on another project's time table. I wasn't pleased but what can I do?

Haven't had much sleep. I went all of 2 days without any sleep and I'm tired but thankfully, I was able to find 2 to 3 hours of time to go to Bel-Air Park 3 where I joined Paulino's class. I taught again, after such a long break, and zipped like crazy. I forgot how much fun it is to be in a big field with other poi-dancers, just zipping away. The laughter came easy and the adrenaline rush kept me awake to help me finish my edit.

And then there's always my friends who will drive all the way to where I am to meet up with me and then keep the smile on my face geniune and true. They tease me, comfort me, support me and encourage me and tell me that I'm holding up great. Now, even if it isn't true, I think it is and then it becomes true. Thanks Morx, Jay and Rex. That was much needed unwinding last night.

Work is such a big thing -- once again it takes all of my time and comes suddenly and without warning. It erases the promise of happy moments so precisely that there isn't a chance for those moments to come to fruition. But I like working so the whole thing just becomes something else -- a different experience altogether. It's somewhere between pain and joy; frustration and gratification. I like it but not if it consumes all my waking moments. And then, every once in a while, I retreat to little spaces of comfort -- zipping, hanging out with the zips crew, hanging out with Jay and the gang or reading a book or exchanging texts with Michap or Lance or some good old friend, watching a movie or finding 30 minutes to just get absorbed into the music. And then I have to leave but then everything is not so bad. Everything is alright.

So I cannot say that things are bad. Things are pretty cool, actually.


At 12:41 PM, July 24, 2006, Blogger ~LALA said...

hi wanggo! this is lala from the zips class last thurs. I was the one compiling answers about zipping/fire dancing.

If it's all right with you, I have additional questions to ask. Sorry I wasn't able to ask you after the burn! (surname, age, and approximate number of burns done?) thanks! in case you want to send the answers, you can also email me here: jara_lala@yahoo.com

thanksmuch! :) cya in class!


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