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Monday, July 10, 2006

all vegetable like

from Harold and Maude
Vice... virtue... it's best not to be too moral, you cheat yourself out of too much life... aim ABOVE morality.

Getting back on track, at least. I did disappear all weekend but I had no pressing deadlines and I really needed it. I stayed home all of Wednesday and Thursday just working and I'm guessing, at one point, when you work at home, the desire to get away from work also means the desire to get away from the house. After all, if I want to unwind and get away from work, and I work at home, it only means that by staying home, I'm just reminded more about the stuff I want to get away from.

So last weekend, I hung out with a friend and didn't come home until Monday. I just turned to jello and didn't get up from where I was. The furthest I ever went was to stand up and go to the bathroom. That was probably it.

It was nice to just sit around and be all vegetable like for a while. No pressure and no expectations. Just lying down and watching television or DVDs.

Now, I'm all so ready to tackle work and to just throw myself at it, you know? I really feel re-charged.


At 11:23 PM, July 10, 2006, Blogger Jayce Cortez Jacinto said...

the short hair looks good! :c)


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