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Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Ellen Bryant Voigt from Winter Field
The winter field is not
the field of summer lost in snow: it is
another thing, a different thing.

My friends have returned from their sojourn at the beach and I listen eagerly to their stories; to all the stories that they tell me. It is like sweet music, one that you haven't heard in a long time. I'm glad they are back.

There is a longing to have been there but then, I wasn't. I move on. Instead, I embrace the joy of their return and their stories and watch them to see what has changed. And they have changed.

But then, it's not just because they have left for the beach during Holy Week. This is accummulated change; somethings have happened and have been happening and they finally reached their crux at Holy Week.

And considering all the things that entered my head and how I've changed in the past two weeks, it's nice to know that I'm going through the same things my friends are going through. Despite distance, despite time, we are still in sync.

Funny, I was so sick of all my incessant ramblings regarding my situation but my best friend and other friends seem oblivious to it. According to them, it's my return to my old whiny self. They told me that they miss it but they said it with a lot of affection...

I'm glad they're back. I only asked them for one thing: to return in one piece and with a big smile on their face. They have happily complied...


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