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Sunday, May 01, 2005

A Change of Scene

Beth Orton from Thinking About Tomorrow (written by Beth Orton, Ted Barnes, Sebastian Steinberg and Sean Reed)
These habits are so hard to break
But they're so easy to make
Thinking about tomorrow
Tired from all the time I spare
On what I still believe in
When none of my talk ever seems to get me anywhere

About two days ago, I met up with Anne, one of my good friends whom I don't see so much of anymore. We used to go out all the time and all our free time was spent together but we progress and grow as people and I've moved on from my old television programs to TXTube and she's gone from commercials to television and now, promoted to a new position back in the world of commercials. I'm very happy for her. But we do see each other less and less now.

But we found an opening in our schedule the other day and we took advantage of it. We used to go clubbing a lot. But we haven't seen each other in a while and we wanted to talk and catch up so we went to Gweilos and had a few beers, listened to a very good band called Spiel and then we talked in-between their sets. It was great, it was fun and relaxing. We could talk and we could hear each other and no one disappeared to go dancing or whatever. The situation just called for us to sit down together and talk and that was wonderful. It was great to just hang out and talk.

I won't deny that I love dancing. If you see me on the dance floor, you know there's nothing in the world I love more than dancing and music. But the club scene has really gotten old for me and I don't find it a good way to spend time with my friends. They're drinking and standing near the bar and I'm on the dance floor. They get drunk and I'm still sober and we can't talk because the music is too loud. It can be fun but I can't really get to interact with them much.

I guess I'm really getting older. I'm appreciating the time spent with people and really just connecting with them. If ever I'm going out to dance, I don't really have to make it such a social occasion like before, because honestly, I don't really get to talk much and establish (or re-establish) connections with people.

My shoot a while ago found me in this bar called Saguijo and it was great. It was rather small and over-crowded but it was nice because people were talking and some of them were seated at the streets because there was no more space in the bar. It was fun just to hang out and talk to people and there were bands playing and the bands were good.

It's a change of scene and I'm enjoying it and I think I'll pursue it. Slowly start acting my age and slowly feeling the pangs of wisdom or what not. It's time to enjoy the company I'm with in a deeper sense, rather than just being glad they are there but really enjoying the fact that they are there by talking to them.

I don't know when I'll see Anne again but I know when I do; I don't want to meet up or end up in some club.


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