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Friday, December 09, 2005

a charger is such a small price to pay

Anatole France
The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one that will last forever.

I woke up and had lunch with my brother. Then, I was answering some of my cell phone messages when I realised I was already at low batt. So I started looking for my cell phone charger. It wasn't in my bag. I looked around my room; it wasn't in my room. I called the office and asked one of my officemates to check my area to see if it was there and it wasn't there. My cell phone charger was gone.

I couldn't go to the office without it so I went to Greenhills with my brother to buy a new cell phone charger. We also ended up looking at other cell phone models and he started getting me interested in buying a new cell phone. I was looking at all the new models greedily. I so badly want a new one. This one is breaking up on me. Everything was affordable by credit card. The store accepts credit card. I am not using my credit card. It's not within my plans. I wanted to cry. I could've bought one and enjoyed the pleasures of a new cell phone. But no, it's not the time.

I probably lost my cell phone in the movie. I went to watch a movie with a good friend. We watched In Her Shoes and I loved the movie. Toni Collette is fantastic. I cried, as usual and laughed, as usual. It was such a great film and it made me want to call up my brother. I'm very close to my family. The movie is about family and how one needs to learn to let go of things, aspects of their life that doesn't work; to try on different shoes and be the best that you can be as a person. It's also knowing what you have to get rid of in your life and what you have to keep. Beautiful, beautiful movie. It was so good, I probably didn't notice my cell phone charger falling out of my bag.

Or maybe it was when I had a few drinks at Tianammen. I love the smoking section at Tianammen; sitting on the floor on comfortable pillows in their booths with their moody, cinematic lighting and chill-out music, good food and drinks. My bag was just there, by the pillows, it could've fallen out. I did get quite drunk. I was with good company.

Or maybe it was when I went to Government after. I did have another drink and left my bag on a chair when I went to dance. I even went and zipped on the empty dance floor (it was already 3:30 in the morning) and my charger probably fell out when I pulled out my zips from my bag and I didn't notice because it was dark and my charger is black and I was nervous of having to zip in public and the fact that I was also a little drunk. I did pretty okay. Someone cheered and 3 people asked me where they could learn to do that. I told them about planetzips and they were interested in taking classes. Hope they do. It might've been there.

So it could've been in any of those places and had I been more aware or careful, I probably wouldn't have had to go to Greenhills today and buy a new charger. But then, I was having a good time and I think a charger is worth losing for the great time I had last night. And I enjoyed the drive to Greenhills with my brother. It was all laughs and we hardly get to do that these days, you know?

So yeah, a charger is such a small price to pay for all of that...


At 10:04 AM, December 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, don't get a new cell now. wait til next year, 3G will finally be out and i'm pretty sure you'd want a 3G capable phone.

anyway, merry x'mas


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