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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

everything is new again

Fiona Apple from Waltz (written by Fiona Apple)
If you don't have a song to sing, you're okay
You know how to get along humming
If you don't have a date, celebrate
Go out and sit on the lawn and do nothing
Cause it's just what you must do and nobody does it anymore

I'm having real trouble with my new phone. I'm back to using Nokia because it was the cheapest phone available. I've finished 2 projects already but I haven't gotten paid for them yet so I'm just here, waiting in the wings for the money and I've been supported by zipping gigs, can you imagine? I'm making more as a zipper than I am as a writer! I could make more as a writer, I'm sure, but since they don't pay on time, it doesn't really help much.

Just now, I got a regular writing gig for this magazine my friend is putting up which will be using my knowledge of my being a professor in the past so that's great. I have been wanting to write articles in a long time. So things are slowly turning to my favour again and that short batch of depression that was sinking in last week and the utter feeling of ineptitude was really just a phase bourne out of my disappointments with some promises that never came through.

I have to stop losing hope so quickly. Things are never as bad as they seem and as Vilma Santos once said in her show every cloud has a silver lightning. Now with wisdom like that, who can deny, right?


At 4:02 PM, March 28, 2006, Blogger Arvin said...

ala lang....


hope u'll have time to tag me...


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