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Friday, May 12, 2006

mind control

As texted to me by Cholo
Ability may let you reach heights, but only character allows you to stay there and enjoy it.

Last night, I decided to practice mind control. There is a theory that if you write down, on a piece of paper, statements in the present tense regarding yourself, they will come true, if you read it aloud 15 times a day. For example, if you write I have a million dollars in my bank account, it will come true if you read it often. The theory is that the human brain does not function in the future or in the past -- it only functions in the present. If it keeps receiving the statement on a regular basis -- let's say, 15 times a day, it will start working on a subconscious level to achieve the truth of the statement. You will subconsciously start to save money and then, before you know it, you have a million dollars in the bank.

The rules are that it must be in present tense. The wording should be in the positive, not in the negative. Instead of saying I don't cheat on my diet you should say I follow my diet strictly. Negative statements affect the brain in a certain way and might ruin the process. Keep it positive. At the same time, it should be hand-written. The brain responds better to your own handwriting than, let's say, printed with Word.

A friend of mine shared this mind control technique with me after reading it somewhere. I think it was Reader's Digest. My friend tried it and it worked. My friend had a huge bank account, which is what she wanted to achieve. This was back in college. I told my sister's good friend Tutis and she decided to try it. She put in the wall of her room I drive my own Pajero and within 8 months, she bought her own Pajero. I told Jay about it and he said that he did it once and managed to achieve what he had written. The statement holds true.

For some strange reason or another, I never did this technique. I don't know why. I guess I didn't want to get things in such a manipulative manner. I wanted to be in full control of my achievements. It's the control freak in me, I suppose.

But last night, I decided to write down in a piece of paper some things I wanted to achieve. I ended up with 7 statements. The first involved my social status. The second involves ownership, a material thing. The third and fourth is a statement regarding my finances. The fifth is about my career. The sixth is with regards to my appearance. The last is with regards to a skill.

Let's see if I can control my mind, force my subconscious to work with me rather than against me.


At 5:58 PM, May 16, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

wanggs, goodluck. you told me about this too in one of our conversations and i'm doing it. so far it's working in my life.


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