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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Switching Lanes (the swerve to the left was a mistake)

Oscar Wilde
Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes.

I've had enough. I did not leave one place in frustration to just come back to another place that's exactly the same. This is not an exercise in futility. I didn't get here just to go back to where I started. I made a decision to do what I love. I refuse to love what I do; or better yet, I refuse to love what I have ended up doing. I have choices. I've received so much encouragement and praises for having chosen to live the life I wanted. I am not going to turn back on all that just for some false sense of security and a whip on my back!

I have always told people that you can be sustained by that which you love. It may not make you rich but you can live on it. Afterall, whatever it is you love, you will do well. And whatever you do well will be received with pleasure and much acceptance. There is energy in passion and people will see that energy, some people feed on that energy and that is what will sustain you. I've been weak. I've strayed. Not anymore.

Tomorrow it ends. Tomorrow I'm putting an end to this and hoping to God that there is still a chance to grab that opportunity that presented itself just a little too late. I've never been a patient man, and so I quickly make mistakes. Thank God it also means that I'm quick to fix it. I took a swerve to the left. It just seemed like the right route to take at the time. Never make desperate decisions. Clear your head. Think. We can't see the future but we know ourselves -- and that should be good enough.


At 8:32 PM, May 16, 2006, Blogger demeter said...

atta boy wanggo. wish I could be as brave. fame or folly, decide now and stick to what you believe. good luck to you


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