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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Going Out

Colin Higgins
Much of the world's sorry comes from people who are this yet allow themselves to be treated as that.

For the first time since, I don't know, 2004 maybe? Yeah, for the first time in a long time, I really felt like going out and dressing up and being seen. I don't know what it was, really. It was just the whole vibe of the moment, of my Friday. I didn't feel rushed or pushed around or whatever. I even got an invite and was put on the guest list at this party. So it seemed everything was pointing towards this feeling of going out, which I haven't had in 2 years.

I really thought I had just grown older. I guess, there are moments when you just want to feel young again. I don't know.

So I dressed up nicely, met up with my friends and we went out. I had a screwdriver (that's orange juice and vodka, right?) and later on 1 beer and that was it. I didn't dance at all and we pretty much just hung around and talked. Didn't stay at the club for too long. Preferred to stay at Cuisine where we saw Mitos and Kate and just blabbed.

I saw a lot of friends, some from high school which was a shock for me. I was feeling fine despite not doing stuff that I always did when I'm out. We left early, around 2:30am after a fantastic breakfast at Cafeteria and was asleep by around a little past 3am.

And I had a great time. I felt good, I felt like I looked good. I got to talk and hang out with my friends. I was able to unwind and though I didn't dance or drink a lot (not that I can anymore), I had a great time.

Yeah, I guess I am older now.


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