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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

we interrupt your regular programming...

Oscar Wilde
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.

I woke up today in a spritely mood. I was practically bouncing off walls. I was energetic and smiling and generally an amusing nuisance (but not an irritating nuisance or an obnoxious nuisance). I don't know why. There was no reason for this mood. I was just happy.

I'm so filled with energy, I could fly to the moon if I were given wings.

I can't sit down and write anything longer. My attention span is quickly depleting. I want to go unto the next thing... I'm off...


At 2:01 PM, August 10, 2005, Blogger Empress Kaiserin said...

hi wanggo...

whenever i wake up with that euphoric feeling of happiness, i always blame my hormones. i am not sure with men though. ;)


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