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Friday, December 16, 2005

i'll be coming round the mountain when it comes...

Thievery Corporation from Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes (written by Emiliana Torrini, Eric Hilton and Rob Garza)
Are you afraid to live your life the way I see?
In my eyes, I'll catch you.
Would you like if I will always love you?
Do you mind if I always love you?

Heaven's gonna burn your eyes...

I'm leaving for Baguio in 2 hours. I'm kinda psyched about it. I'm second unit segment producer for this shoot for our segment Field Trip. I'm just suppose to do talking head interviews and shoot extra footage then, I can go down on the same day. The first unit will stay overnight and leave the next day.

I'm getting hit by this little urge to explore; to maybe stay the night on my own -- get a place for myself and just walk around Baguio and get lost or something. The whole idea just tickles me pink. My Tita who runs Cafe By the Ruins heard I was coming up; I had asked my Dad if she would be willing to have the restaurant featured in the show in exchange for feeding us. My Dad texted back telling me she's excited for my coming up and if I wanted, I could stay with them. When I texted her, all she said "I'll see you soon!" with a smiley face and I'm not sure what exactly that means. I could definitely afford to stay the night in some cheap appartelle but getting around might be difficult. I'm not sure exactly what the plan is; I'm going to play it by ear. If ever, I could always go down with the first unit crew. I'm sure there's going to be space in the van going down.

I took a picture of myself in the clothes I'm going up in. I hope I'm warm enough. It's December after all and the last thing I want is to freeze. I never could handle the cold very well.

I'll just think about ukay-ukay, buying strawberries and peanut brittle for my bro, and seeing whether I'm up for an adventure or not.

A little trip before the year ends, one week before Christmas and 2 weeks before the New Year. This is going to be fun.


At 5:45 AM, December 16, 2005, Blogger EGO SVM CAROLVS said...

Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes~~

You have it from Babylon? I love their Meu Destino too. Or from Hotel Costes? Love Hip Hip Chin Chin from that one.

At 7:08 AM, December 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh, i miss the fish roe paté from cafe by the ruins


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